cardboard armour

Home of Crabgirl & I. A weekly comic about some guy and his imaginary friend who is part crab or something. My website can been found here. Facebook page is found here. Every character, plotline and image here-in is copyright Owain Davies. Here's a link to my Deviant Art page.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Conjunctivitis memories

A lobster can live to a hundred years old. That's pretty special.
I fee
l kinda bad for eating them now. Although I not sure that a lobster could really fulfil it's potential even in a hundred years.
What's the greatest thing a lobster could achieve?

Clawing the nose off of a ruthless dictator thus rendering them slightly less charismatic or imposing?

Pinching the hole in a life raft closed?

Actually on that last one it is most likely to make it worse.

Friday, June 12, 2009


Painted mostly using mushroom stroganoff.

Saturday, June 06, 2009


I first invented the scuba pants in 1994 when I realised it is totally possible to breath through your butt.
Once I'
d made that leap of judgement the thing pretty much created itself.
I remember the initial prototype was especially uncomfortable because on the day of the presentation the hot resin had still not cooled from the previous evening.
I still bare the scars to this day.