cardboard armour

Home of Crabgirl & I. A weekly comic about some guy and his imaginary friend who is part crab or something. My website can been found here. Facebook page is found here. Every character, plotline and image here-in is copyright Owain Davies. Here's a link to my Deviant Art page.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Proddy McDooly lives on a stooly.

If you took all the leftover tiles and spare rolls of wallpaper and half used tins of paint and junk that people always have left over at the end of doing up their place you could probably decorate the moon twice over.

It would however look like a celestial bag o' don't.

What would happen if the moon got painted black? Is the moon too porous to accept paint without first using some sort of sealant?

I learned today what laconic means but then, in turn, forgot the meaning of prosaic. I think it must be this coffee flavour Pepsi.


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