cardboard armour

Home of Crabgirl & I. A weekly comic about some guy and his imaginary friend who is part crab or something. My website can been found here. Facebook page is found here. Every character, plotline and image here-in is copyright Owain Davies. Here's a link to my Deviant Art page.

Monday, November 24, 2008

a dream in which there is a natty hat

A while ago I came across a whole bunch carved walls of sandstone of various sizes on an area of overgrown land. I couldn't work out what they were but thought they must have been something more than a bunch of rocks and cliffs because they were all carved at right angles which doesn't really happen much in nature.
Yesterday I found out (by being told by someone who actually knew) that they were once part of a water garden belonging to the local manor house which is now part of a safari park and cut off from this piece of land by a bypass road.
At one point there was a bunch of waterfalls and stuff leading into a pond f
ed by giant sandstone cisterns. I bet it looked pretty neat when it was still active and maintained.
Speaking of maintenance the pond is still there and feeds into a culvert which until yesterday had been lost. It was so overgrown that even the environmental agency didn't know it was there.
Now thanks to some well-meaning locals it has been defoliated and now the pond shouldn't flood so easily. As long as it is maintained regularly.


Blogger Made said...

Hi cardboard,

I really like your weired strips with all the bugs in them. I draw myself cartoons where insects are the main actors. I have even one story with an amobea as the main character (but no moths till now ;-)

Maby you like to upload some of your strips to the platform I programmed together with other cartoonists:
We tried do create a site which suites better for comic-artists than normal blogs.
I can guarantee you a lot of feedback and new fans :-)

Martin Sander (Made)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008  

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