cardboard armour

Home of Crabgirl & I. A weekly comic about some guy and his imaginary friend who is part crab or something. My website can been found here. Facebook page is found here. Every character, plotline and image here-in is copyright Owain Davies. Here's a link to my Deviant Art page.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

King Schvitz and the One Commandment

Don't you ever get curious about those discarded CD-Rs that you always see by the side of the road. What could be on them that's so terrible that the owner felt it was necessary to throw them out the car window?
Was it a sudden change in musical taste?
Did th
e CD become possessed somehow and start trying to manipulate the driver through audio messages?

One day I'm gonna pick one up and see what's on it.
Perhaps the greatest song in the world lies forgotten in the gutter.

That or some shitty techno.


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