cardboard armour

Home of Crabgirl & I. A weekly comic about some guy and his imaginary friend who is part crab or something. My website can been found here. Facebook page is found here. Every character, plotline and image here-in is copyright Owain Davies. Here's a link to my Deviant Art page.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

How I broke History...

So it was 1998
I was studying for my GCSEs and was struggling with my German oral preparation.
I overheard an argument between a friend and an American exchange student. The American responded to my friends argument with 'If it wasn't for us bailing you out in World War 2 you'd all be speaking German by now'.
A flash of inspiration
It was simple
All I had to do was alter time so that Germany wins the war and then I'll know enough German to pass my exam.

So travelled back in time to 1943 and fabricated an incident where the American president gets water-ballooned and made it look like Churchill did it.
America doesn't enter the war in Europe.
Germany wins.
My mom gets gassed in a concentration camp for having dark hair.
I cease to exist.
I have to cash in my favour with the head of the universe to put history straight again.

I get a B anyway so not so bad.

The end


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Iheart this, but then u already knew that


Saturday, June 16, 2007  

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